Are you ready to feel amazing and live your best life? Check out these 5 daily health habits that will change your life!

Happy new year friend! You likely have a new year’s resolution list of things you want to accomplish this year. And if reaching your health goals and feeling your best is on that list, then this post is for you! 

Today I’m sharing my favorite daily habits that if you stick to, your life and health will dramatically improve! These habits aren’t unrealistic and over the top. They are practical and reliable, so that you can stay consistent throughout the entire year, not just the month of January.

If you implement these 5 daily health habits, I promise, your life will change for the better!

#1 Practice Gratitude

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the things that aren’t going right in our lives. But what if everyday we took a few moments to focus on the things that are?

Our perspective determines how we perceive and react to the world around us. If we are coming from a place of gratitude instead of lack, we will experience more happiness and joy, strengthen our relationships, and create an overall more positive outlook on life.

Practicing gratitude daily is proven to calm the body and lower our stress levels. Some of my favorite ways to practice gratitude include:

  • Gratitude journaling. For 5-10 minutes, write down anything you’re grateful for in your journal– this could be people, places, things, events, or anything that comes to mind. The more specific, the better!

  • Say aloud 3 things you’re grateful for. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for and say them aloud. I love to do this with my family, where we all share 3 things we’re grateful for!

  • Express gratitude to others. It’s easy to forget to express gratitude to others daily, especially those closest in our lives. Throughout your day, practice expressing your love and appreciation to your family and friends.

You’ll be surprised how much this small health habit will change your life for the better!

#2 Get Outside

Time outdoors is shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and boost overall wellbeing. Yet most people spend their entire day working in a building, then relax at home after work– not spending more than a minute or two outside, especially in the winter.

Getting some sunshine and fresh air boosts the immune system, reduces anxiety, and is even shown to reduce the winter blues. Even if it’s a cloudy and cold day, you can still absorb sunshine and reap the benefits of breathing in the fresh air. 

If you want to reach your health goals and feel your best, make sure to prioritize going outside for at least 15 minutes a day!

#3 Move Your Body

If you want to reach your health goals, daily exercise is non-negotiable!

Daily movement boosts our energy, decreases risk of disease, leads to better sleep at night, improves our mood, and so much more. But, it doesn’t need to be something you dread.

There are so many ways to move your body daily. Some of my favorites include:

  • Walking outside
  • Pilates
  • Stretching
  • Weight training
  • Rebounding

As a busy momma, I fit in exercise where I can. All of the forms of exercising I mentioned above can be done right at home! You can walk around the neighborhood, put on a pilates or weight-training youtube video, take a few minutes to stretch out, or get a mini trampoline for your home to practice some rebounding! 

To boost your health and feel your best, make sure to move your body daily!

#4 Ditch the Toxic Beauty Routine

The average woman applies 168 chemicals to her body before leaving the house each day, and these chemicals are known to negatively impact our health. From disrupting hormone production, to harming our immune system and causing disease– the chemicals found in your favorite beauty products may be to blame for your health issues.

Nowadays, there are tons clean beauty brands to choose from. Opting to replace your favorite beauty products with a non-toxic alternative is a simple switch that you can do to decrease your daily toxic load.

Even if you’re only replacing just one product at a time, you’re still getting one step closer to your health goals.

#5 Cook From Scratch

One of the best things that you can do for your health is to start cooking more from scratch.

Store-bought foods and restaurant take out are often made with unhealthy ingredients like preservatives, gums, artificial flavors, food dyes, hydrogenated fats, and high fructose corn syrup– all of which have been proven to be damaging to our health. These ingredients are known to disrupt hormones, contribute to anxiety and mood disorders, damage our gut, and cause disease. 

By ditching the unhealthy junk and learning how to cook from scratch, you will totally transform your health and change your life for the better. And you can start with your next meal!

Want to Learn How to Cook From Scratch?

Once you start swapping store-bought food staples for healthier, homemade alternatives– you won’t ever go back! There is nothing better than creating wholesome meals for your family that are nourishing and delicious! Which is why I created a recipe guide full of healthier, from-scratch versions of your favorite kitchen staples that you and your family will love. Grab a copy today, and fill your kitchen with delicious and simple recipes just like this one!

Will you be adding any of these healthy habits into your daily routine? Let me know in the comments! And to explore the latest recipes on the blog, check out my recent posts:

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